• loathsome dongeater@lemmygrad.ml
        1 year ago

        Sorry but what is the narrative here? I know there are some conspiracy theories about involving fire (jet fuel and steel beams). This this related to that?

        • PolPotPie [he/him]
          1 year ago

          idk i'm not fully versed or sold on the conspiracies (ie: controlled demolition), but if we are to believe this guy is being handled to give this statement, I would guess he emphasizes "damage caused by fire leading to collapse" to provide eye-witness testimony to the Official Account, and deter people from seeking alternate explanations

    • GaveUp [love/loves]
      1 year ago

      He probably said that confidently like it was an undisputable fact to convince watchers of this story he was telling for whatever reason

  • SerLava [he/him]
    1 year ago

    OP I want to ask you, how would you rank these framing materials by fire resistance? Best guess, don't Google it, just looking for first instinct.

    Cast iron





    • GaveUp [love/loves]
      1 year ago

      Cast Iron





      Jet fuel can't melt steel beams though

      • SerLava [he/him]
        1 year ago

        Awesome, thank you.

        Ok, problem is, in a fire, steel framing performs worse than wood framing. Significantly worse.

        In fact, wood is sometimes used as a fireproofing material to protect steel

        Architects and building engineers consider this common knowledge, but not a single one of the 9/11 truth content creators over the last 22 years have ever acknowledged it, and I doubt any of them have ever heard it. Loaded steel is notorious for quickly deflecting when heated, which multiplies the stress on itself even as it continues to heat. As it bends, it turns that compressive load into more and more of a bending load, and the problem makes itself worse until it collapses.

        The thing about the melting point of steel is that it's not the "melty" point- it's the temperature at which a form of steel actually becomes fully liquid. Far, far prior to liquification, the rigidity plummets as the steel heats up. It's nowhere near the melting point when it becomes an unreliable structural material.

        The reason this is important, is that any focus on physical minutae is a distraction from actual conspiracies. From grassy knoll to steel beams, we've become obsessed with something meaningless instead of exposing the shady dealings before and after the event.

        I believe 9/11 was most likely noticed and ignored intentionally. Incompetence is a close second. I also believe all the still-classified 9/11 material will reveal that currently active US politicians either knew what was about to happen, or at very least knew exactly which Saudis did what, and continued to work with and promote them. Full knowing.

        I also believe JFK was assassinated by the guys whose job it was and still is to assassinate presidents all over the world. But they did it by helping and influencing Lee Harvey Oswald to snipe his head off with a gun. There was no physical magical fuckery, no multiple shooters, no fake blood spray, no body doubles, just a fucking CIA asset shooting a guy.

        That's what's important and it's also what hasn't been thoroughly discredited since soon after it happened. If I was a CIA assassinmonger, I would love hearing people talk about how Salvadore Allende was actually a skinsuit worn by an undercover exiled JFK or how I totally couldn't find 19 suicidal Salafis in the world and instead had to resort to a thermite missile

  • Tachanka [comrade/them]
    1 year ago

    (he was later waterboarded at Guantanamo for sucking at lying)


    i just made that up but consider it true in spirit