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    • Zuzak [fae/faer, she/her]
      1 year ago

      Debateably, free will is compatible with an omniscient being, but I don't think it can be considered compatible with an omniscient creator. If I see all the possibilities laid out in advance, and I choose which of those possibilities to make happen, then I'm the one making the choice. It's like if I set up a Rube Goldberg Machine or a marble maze, I have put things in place specifically to control the path that the marble takes, and if I saw that the marble was going to go one way, I could build it differently to prevent that. If we are marbles (or rats, if you prefer) in a maze specifically constructed to guide us to a specific outcome by an all powerful being with exact knowledge of what conditions will cause what choices, then on what basis can we be said to have free will?