Debateably, free will is compatible with an omniscient being, but I don't think it can be considered compatible with an omniscient creator. If I see all the possibilities laid out in advance, and I choose which of those possibilities to make happen, then I'm the one making the choice. It's like if I set up a Rube Goldberg Machine or a marble maze, I have put things in place specifically to control the path that the marble takes, and if I saw that the marble was going to go one way, I could build it differently to prevent that. If we are marbles (or rats, if you prefer) in a maze specifically constructed to guide us to a specific outcome by an all powerful being with exact knowledge of what conditions will cause what choices, then on what basis can we be said to have free will?
Free will is incompatible with an omniscient god, CMV
Omniscient isn't what boils my brain, it's the trifecta of omniscient, omnipotent, and omnibenevolent.
Well you've got thousands of years of theodicy to read through at least
Debateably, free will is compatible with an omniscient being, but I don't think it can be considered compatible with an omniscient creator. If I see all the possibilities laid out in advance, and I choose which of those possibilities to make happen, then I'm the one making the choice. It's like if I set up a Rube Goldberg Machine or a marble maze, I have put things in place specifically to control the path that the marble takes, and if I saw that the marble was going to go one way, I could build it differently to prevent that. If we are marbles (or rats, if you prefer) in a maze specifically constructed to guide us to a specific outcome by an all powerful being with exact knowledge of what conditions will cause what choices, then on what basis can we be said to have free will?
But if you're truly omniscient, you know which choice you will make. Hardly a choice at all!
I thought you said they are compatible?
Whoops, should read incompatible lol
In that case I agree lol