• anthm17 [he/him]
    4 years ago

    They crushed Bernie effortlessly. Effortlessly.

    He had more than any of us could dream of, and it took nothing.

    Newspapers? They have a trillion dollars so in media enterprises.

    Portland protestors responded to tear gas by bringing leaf blowers to blow the gas away and started wearing gas masks, just to give a novel example.

    and in response the feds deployed their own blowers and the violence only intensified.

    Ted Wheeler managed to win because a bunch of idiots just couldn't bear to vote for the alternative, so they split the vote. They went out of their way to do it. Why? Icky socialism and opportunistic idpol.

    80% of portland wants an oversight board? Good luck with that, courts aren't going to let you do that. Contracts > Democracy, obviously. Just like they wouldn't let Seattle regulate the cops.

    I mean honest to god the left in this country is so fucked that the state is about legalize murder and we have no response besides whining. It's hopeless. The only thing that will change anything is massive violence and societal collapse. That will only lead to worse places.

    • TossedAccount [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Read this. We don't have "no response besides whining". https://isreview.org/issue/107/case-independent-left-party

      • anthm17 [he/him]
        4 years ago

        While you're jerking off with notions of a third party the world is being irreparably damaged and millions of deaths are going to follow.

        Third parties are not a new idea. This happens to varying degrees constantly. You aren't going to win this way.

        edit: I mean that article is 4 years old. You alter the numbers and you just print it again today.

        All you're doing by building a third party is letting them pit their entire entrenched system against you. Then you whine and wonder why it didn't work.