Best Star Trek?
The Original Series is the best one imo. You got the classic Kirk, McCoy, Spock trio. Uhura's super hot, the production design just oozes that cool Raygun Gothic vibe because its from that pre-swedish minimalism era where the future still looked visually enriching. Also that episode with Apollo is pretty sad even though he was kind of a dick.
Your thoughts?
Ds9 because I love O'brien's giant potato head and the intimate, but mostly straight, relationship he ends up having with Bashir is just really nice.
You've got Wallace Shawn showing up in random episodes as the fucking Grand Nagus, which might be the best use of his voice I've ever seen.
Also rommunism and this guy :quark:
We get to delve deep into Worf as well, more so than TNG, which rules.
Then there's Benjamin Sisco, who ends up being a way more realistic depictions of a star fleet captain than we've had before.
Kira is a literal freedom fighter shown in a positive light. Zero chance a character like her, or the whole plot line of her planet, would be written for TV today.
But it's mostly about o'brien's big fucking head. Love that thing.
Warf is that Gunners mate that started out as undesignated and has a knife collection that he shows everybody his newest additions to after quarters