Title. Sorry for posting this and I encourage you not to waste time wallowing in my annoyance, but I am sick to fookin death and this is the only place I've found solace recently, even though you're all libs too.

She cuts off my explanations before I've even got to the point I'm actually fucking making with "but everything is about balance". Every. Single. Time.

She completely fetishises salaries and mentions high salaries every chance she gets (for context she's on a 6 figure and surrounded by wealthy liberals), often stopping a conversation critiquing some group of people to point out that "they make shitloads of money though", then laughs.

She defends the enforced use of expensive crops patented by Western billionaires in the global south as "a good thing if it's better for those people and that land" while ignoring the evidence I raise that it's not, makes the argument we need more philanthropists to solve everything, and whenever I criticise this bullshit for the imperialism that it is I'm dismissed with the fact I'm "too young" to understand and need more " life experience" (I'm in my late 20s).

She defends cunts on the TV when I point out how they've used their power to fuck poor people because "they employ loads of people though".

And other Top Hits™ that I'm sure you can extrapolate from the rest.

This is probably just normal lib shit to the people exposed to them on a daily basis but all my friends and people I've lived with for the last 8 years are all based commies even if they don't know it, so this is the first time I've had to live with a lib every single day and I want to perpetually scream until everyone in the nearby area has moved away because of the weird screaming man. Oh yeah, she also worships the US democratic party and Kamala's #girlpower. We live in the EU. I cannot fucking wait to leave this hellscape.

Edit: Forgot one of the things which brings my piss to a rolling boil. Because she sees herself as sole arbiter of objective truth, whenever I say something she agrees with she sharply says "correct", and will repeat it continuously through an extended point.