I made a blog post about my experience switching from Unity to Godot earlier this year, and some tips for Unity devs.

  • Ms. ArmoredThirteen@lemmy.ml
    10 months ago

    "and it even adds the .gitignore for you!" I'm sold I hate trying to figure out what version of base gitignore I need for what version of Unity. Thank you for making this!

    • popcar2@programming.dev
      10 months ago

      It's definitely a big point for me too, using Git with Unity is a big pain. Even using the right gitignore I often have to upload large Unity-generated files to my github which might've pushed me to using Git LFS. Having something that just works is liberating.

  • HobbesHK@startrek.website
    10 months ago

    You may want to change the fact that web exports don't work on macOS. MacBook Pro M1 user here. I'm happily running my Godot 4.1 as web exports on my server. Setting the headers is required for any browser / operating system, but things seem to work fine for me on Mac.

    • popcar2@programming.dev
      10 months ago

      Weird, you may be an outlier. The issue for Mac web exports not working is one of the most upvoted on their Github: https://github.com/godotengine/godot/issues/70691

      According to that, you have to manually set the renderer to Metal* or it might freeze/crash your browser (or take minutes to load). I've personally had many mac users tell me that my web projects aren't loading for them, I'm pretty sure the issue is still not resolved.

      • HobbesHK@startrek.website
        10 months ago

        That is weird! Once my project is in a shareable state, I'll post the link here. Maybe it's because (so far) it's not awfully complex...

  • Yerbouti@lemmy.ml
    10 months ago

    I recently realized that Unreal is Open-source. I'm curious why it doesn't seem to get any love from the FOSS community? I would personnaly glady ditch unity, but I heavily rely on video tutorials for my very amateur projects . So I was actually moving to Unreal..

    • popcar2@programming.dev
      10 months ago

      As far as I know Unreal's source code is available but the licensing isn't, so the company still owns it and can still charge you for using it.

    • nybble41@programming.dev
      10 months ago

      Unreal is "source available", not Open Source. There's a big difference. With any Open Source project you can legally fork the project, distribute your custom version of the code, create a community around your variant... "source available" has none of that. The Unreal EULA is more permissive than most game engine licenses (with the obvious exception of Godot) but it still comes with plenty of restrictions. For example:

      You are permitted to post snippets of Engine Code, up to 30 lines of code in length, online in public forums for the sole purpose of discussing the content of the snippet or Distribute such snippets in connection with supporting patches and plug-ins for the Licensed Technology, so long as it is not for the purpose of enabling third parties without a license to the Engine Code to use or modify any Engine Code or to aggregate, recombine, or reconstruct any larger portion of the Engine Code.

      Which pretty clearly does not satisfy the Open Source Definition.