I'm not sure this happens irl. Is breakfast in bed a real thing or just tv? I don't want crumbs in my bed.
I only got breakfast in bed when I was sick and it was never a big deal, just a bowl of warm porridge or oatmeal and some juice
There isn't a rule that you can't go take the piss, properly wash up, and return to your comfy bed & breakfast
After I posted this yesterday I was thinking that the only time I ate in bed was the hospital, but I was cath'd.
There are these pretty big trays with collapsible supports so you can put it around your legs and not need to worry about making a mess.
Also not everyone has to pee immediately.
Also not everyone has to pee immediately.
omg really? that sounds like a superpower
is it still a superpower if i usually wake up an hour before my alarm to piss?
An hour before and then you go back to bed? Yeah, kinda, I can never get back to sleep if it's that close.
I get up earlier to make breakfast for the family but we don't have the little trays for breakfast at bed so, no, it's not real
You're supposed to piss on the breakfast to establish dominance.
Having experienced the momday for some time this is accurate.
I piss before going to bed. And then I'm not drinking any more liquids while asleep, so where would piss come from?