In terms of efficacy, availability, or distribution, part of me feels we’re being led by the nose at the behest of the market and 4th quarter earnings. It’s also no surprise they waited to sit on the news until immediately after Biden had clinched the election.
It's clear no one knows what's going on, and it just feels like more hot air. Something just doesn’t sit right.
I also don't see any escape from the reality that the only way we can cope long-term with viruses is implementing mandatory testing and a global public health database.
What they aren't telling us is that even if the government had it's shit together it would be another year before they can effectively distribute it, except the government doesn't have it's shit together. They'll rely on the "public-private partnerships" to slowly vaccinate everyone over the next 18-24 months and maybe by 2023 you won't have to worry about it killing you. Also from what I understand even with the vaccine we can still catch COVID-19 and be sick it will just be more like a mild cold. The capitalists will also do some heinous shit in distributing the vaccine as they do with everything else and it will probably cost thousands of dollars without insurance.