I’m thinking ecology also if this isn’t the type of post that goes into this community sorry

  • PermaculturalMarxist [they/them]
    4 years ago

    Hard to tell, the answer depends on your level of education, how easy it would be for you to get further education / training, what your preferences and personality correspond with, how comfortable you are moving, moral convictions, disabilities, etc. That said, if you want some general tips or principles from a leftist perspective:

    • cop / military / Military-Industrial Complex jobs are bad so don't take them or train yourself into something that forces you to take a MIC job (happens to lots of people that study certain kinds of engineering)

    • Any high-skill field would be a good thing to study or train into because after the revolution these people tend to be very necessary to keep the country running and developing, but also tend to be petty-bourgeois so it makes for a bumpy transition to socialism. These are engineers, doctors, administrators, developers, academics, etc.

    • Any field that puts you in a direct helping role where people come to respect you and see you as a fulcrum for community is good since that can be leveraged to spread class consciousness and generally be well aware of the conditions of the working class. Think doctors, but also therapists, teachers, and social workers. So basically like the modern day clergy (which includes actual clergy).

    • Any field that is in the "industrial" occupations necessary to keep society running are good because you could help organise the workers there and be at a site of real economic and strategic significance. Think public works, utilities, air traffic control, freight and logistics, agriculture, geology (mining), construction, etc. If these people go on strike, it paralyses almost the entire economy, as opposed to something like a writers strike.

    That's all I could think of right now, but don't let this keep you from becoming a writer or an artist or anything if you really want. That has its own opportunities, but this is just if you were asking for a specifically left-perspective on the question.