I had a bunch of stuff to get done around town today, and as I was in the middle of it, I drove past a lockout that's been going on for months. Every time I drive past these folks, there's always like a half dozen or so guys facing off against what I can only assume are the shitlord owners - the locked out folks are standing, holding signs, and the owners are sitting comfortably in their SUV's. I always try to honk or whatever, but I had some spare time today, so I grabbed a dozen donuts, and on my way back home, stopped by the lockout.
I had to talk my way past security, which was surprisingly easy, just saying that I was only there to drop off the donuts and then leave, which the guard seemed fine with. I walked up to where the workers were with their signs. Either the owner or some lackey chud yelled at me and said that I wasn't allowed to be there. This guy was holding a camera, filming the workers, but I shrugged and handed one of the guys with a sign the box of donuts, and told him that I'd seen them there for months, that I thought what they were doing was inspirational, and that I wanted to show support.
I don't think they've gotten many visits from anyone, because everyone seemed pretty surprised that I was there. I live in a chud hellhole that's historically anti-worker, but it felt really good to let the locked out folks know that I cared enough to acknowledge their struggle, stop by, and offer solidarity. One of the guys thanked me and called me brother, and a few others waved as I took off.
Anyway, that's my story. All of my friends are libs, but I wanted to share with some people who would get this. It was a pretty small thing to do, but hopefully enough small actions together will help people see that workers are stronger together, and we can maybe claw back some of our class consciousness.
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