No culture but the culture pushed on you by gigantic companies trying to sell you merch. Superman v Batman is exactly the same as traditions that have been evolving naturally for thousands of years. Buying a Spiderman backpack is equivalent to knocking on wood or leaving a shot of vodka out in the woods for the leshiy. In Ant Man's name, amen.

  • crispyhexagon [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    robocop is a proto capeshit movie tho.

    as are all folk/fairytales fables and mythologies.

    the "difference" is that the spiderman folktale, about a kid in new york trying to stop crime in his neighborhood while struggling under capitalism to live his creative dream of being a photographer, is wholly co-opted by a megacorporation to sell product because they "own" it

    but corporations do that with other folktales and fables as well, they just arnt able to copyright them so wholly. not that thousands of years of existance ever stops them from trying to declare ownership of something, but still

    everyone giving the hot take a lashing sure is wilfully ignoring how much nordic shit is in the marvel movies. its poorly worded, but its close

    tldr: comicbook characters themselves are not substantively different from folkheros. corporations seize the reigns of both whereever possible

    • OhWell [he/him]
      4 years ago

      This is one of the dumbest comments I have ever read on here.

      robocop is a proto capeshit movie tho.

      Have you even seen the movie? Robocop is clearly spoofing American society and the rising corporatism as well as authoritarianism through a police state. One of the central themes of that movie is how the police force is being replaced by a privatized mega corporation that is above the law. It's made a point that no one wants to bother investigating the OCP because they're doing such a better job than the local police department. In the 3rd act of the movie, the OCP even labels Robocop a criminal and orders the police department to kill him, under their orders. It's a pretty good fictional account of how corporations run our society and it was made during the Reagan era.

      All through that movie, there are news commercials with smiling anchors who tell you that the world is going to shit and awful things are happening, then cut to a break with a commercial. We're now to a point where this is pretty accurate with our mainstream media. There's also that stupid sitcom that shows up over and over in the movie "I'll buy that for a dollar! Ha ha ha!", pretty good depiction of the dumbing down of society.

      I'm not convinced you've ever seen Robocop. Or if you did, you clearly got the wrong idea of it.

      everyone giving the hot take a lashing sure is wilfully ignoring how much nordic shit is in the marvel movies. its poorly worded, but its close

      Corporations didn't even exist when mythology tales were written thousands of years ago. The biggest difference is that superheroes are beating up on criminals, and playing vigilante. A better comparison would be the tons of vigilante justice stories about cowboys set in the westerns that existed before superheroes. There was even a market for cowboy/western comic books.

      Greek and Nordic mythology had characters fighting each other and it tells stories of how they perceived how the world was created back then, similar to the whole book of Genesis in the Old Testament and it's stories of how god created the world. There's nothing about laws over a single government or any other rules to society that is present in the universe Batman and Spiderman operate in to fight street criminals. Comic book heroes don't usually worship gods while they busting criminals for their country's government and working outside the law to help the state.

      tldr: comicbook characters themselves are not substantively different from folkheros. corporations seize the reigns of both whereever possible

      TLDR; you clearly have never read about mythology figures or have any understanding in the context of them. The OP in this twitter screenshot lacks this same understanding.

      • crispyhexagon [none/use name]
        4 years ago

        im convinced your reading comprehension is shit.

        you clearly got the wrong idea of [robocop]

        no u.

        everything you said does not at all invalidate it as being proto-capeshit.

        corporations didn’t even exist when mythology tales were written

        you think im saying corporstions created the nordic shit? how fucking stupid are you. shut the fuck up.

        superheroes are ... playing vigilante

        yes. so do folkheroes, dieties, myths, legends, etc etc.

        vigilantism is a common theme in stories about larger than life figures.

        jesus whipped some dudes for inappropriate use of a temple. was he not operating outside the law to right what he percieved as an injustice?

        davy crockett is a folkhero who literally went around extrajudicially murdering people, to the benefit of the u.s.

        tldr: youre a fucking moron

          • crispyhexagon [none/use name]
            4 years ago

            waah waah! i called you dumb but youre a meany back to me! youre an asshole!

            dont want none, dont start none