Chapos, you dance?

Kinds of music you get loose to? Advice for others? Questions? Do any of you filthy animals skank?

Personally I wanna know how/if people are meant to dance to country music (modern or old style), shit is weird.

  • Abraxiel
    4 years ago

    I love to dance. One of the things I miss most during this pandemic is going out to whatever shows there were and cutting a rug to whoever was playing that night.

    I'm a pretty good dancer, (though I'm still usually awful with a partner) but only because I made an absolute fool of myself over and over again and kept doing it until I got good. For advice, I'd say just delight in the motion of your body, dance by yourself to some good jams frequently, and learn a few footwork patterns you can repeat and use as a baseline to go into some serious moves.