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  • qublics [they/them,she/her]
    4 years ago

    I have written this comment / self-reply in another thread, was kinda late, but suppose it fits here too.
    Would really like to hear China understanders or other vegans thoughts on this. Preferably reply here.

    copied post for convenience, but see other thread for context

    China is still so bad on animal rights issues though, specifically the scale of chicken farming, that is the only issue where I have severe cognitive dissonance about supporting the CCP.

    just uuuuuggghhhhh: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vOGm3mRZuaI
    I know this is dark as fuck but I hope they are genetically engineering or breeding for more brain-dead and senseless chickens or something.
    Or vibrating the cages so chickens are cumming all the time. lmao. Have you ever read a comment so utilitarianism-pilled? >_<

    I do remember they were doing genetic engineering with pigs for whatever reason, but have not looked into that in years.

    their propaganda is on point though: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aWjYLYulALs
    And their deliberate use of birds against insect pests is really cool.
    At least they learned from that whole sparrow thing.


    support PETA Asia please, their work is extremely important.

    I do not honestly believe factory farms in China are much better.
    I certainly would like to, but even good examples cannot prove that more/most/all of them are.
    Humans can often report being abused, but animals cannot.

    various EU countries have been pushing towards continuous surveillance in animal farming.
    it would not be good for China to get left behind on these issues.

    just look at the extent to which animal rights got involved with Brexit politics:

    Further tangent...
    This is a weird idea, but I wonder if trance music and disco lights would have any effect on chicken well-being.
    Raising chickens for food has an odd contradiction: more movement burns calories, but also improves muscles and meat quality.
    I just hope China is investing the massive amount of money into meat replacement R&D that the problem deserves.

    Things are moving at least:

    What people seem to forget about meat replacements though, and basically all advanced replacement foods, is they can optimize for taste, satiety, and nutrition in ways that are incredibly difficult with animal products.
    Under capitalism they just end up optimizing for profit and addictiveness instead. Processed and fast-foods are not bad, it just depends on who is designing them and to what ends.

    (to any Chinese comrades, sorry if 'they' is kinda othering/western but don't want to take credit for anything I am not responsible for; maybe China should declare a national neopronoun, lmao what could go wrong?)

    debate me nerds! <3