For this Saturday Anime Night, first up is Animal Treasure Island (1971), an adaptation of Robert Louis Stevenson’s novel, but the characters are animals. The director is Hiroshi Ikeda, who was, oddly enough, one of the top producers at Nintendo in the 80s, overseeing both Super Mario Bros. and The Legend of Zelda. More directly relevant to anime history, though, is that this was the first movie on which Hayao Miyazaki was lead writer and storyboard director. Reviews are surprisingly good for this one, so we’re watching it. After that is Time of Eve (2010), about an android in the future who sneaks away from her owner to a café where humans and androids are treated equally. Robots rock. This was originally released as six episodes, and then combined into a single movie afterward. Great reviews for this one, so let’s check it out.

We’ll start at 9PM EST on Hextube, right here:

Be there, comrades!


  • Animal Treasure Island:
  • Time of Eve: links:

  • Animal Treasure Island:
  • Time of Eve:

CWs for Animal Treasure Island:

  • Cartoon violence.
  • Animal abuse.
  • Butt.
  • Smoking.
  • Alcohol abuse.
  • Child endangerment.

CWs for Time of Eve:

  • Objectification of female character.
  • Woogin’.
  • A man stares at a woman’s boobs and she slaps him.

Links to movies:

  • Animal Treasure Island:
  • Time of Eve:
  • daisy
    1 year ago

    Time of Eve is a fascinating story anthology in the vein of the better Asimov robot short stories. Further explanations would be spoilers, so I'll say only that anyone who enjoyed the more philosophical parts of the 1995 Ghost in the Shell adaptation or the GITS:SAC series would probably enjoy Time of Eve as well.