I am not canadian, but the jordan peterson documentary claims his book is the most sold canadian book ever, which is a sign of true poverty for canadan
I don't think that's true. Might be one of the most popular books by a Canadian author outside of Canada. At one point it was #1 on Amazon in the US and Canada tho
- pretty much every single land treaty that is the entire basis for the government having any claim over land in this """country""" has been either broken or falsified in some way
- most of the west coast does not even have treaties and is situated on unceded land
- was originally just like 2 british corporations given to some nonce princes
- only became a state so it would be easier to manage and capitulate to private resource extraction
- indoctrinated Indigenous children for like 100 years to trick them into trading away their treaty rights and obliterate their various cultures
- literal apartheid to Indigenous people thanks to the Indian Act
- Indigeneity is based on racist patriarchal blood quantum
- the RCMP (formerly the North West Mounted Police) existed solely to murder and harass Indigenous people out of their land
- Kanadian national identity is literally a PR scheme cooked up in like the late 50s-early 60s
- the supposed rights of the state can be upended if a law or whatever says the word "notwithstanding"
- terrorist organization that works to destabilize other countries' governments
I can go on
Canada is basically just halfway between USA and Europe/UK culture. More individualistic than UK/EU (maybe partially due to rugged, isolated, lower population density), more social safety net than US (single payer medical care for example). Not even its own country, is still part of UK commonwealth, as OP mentioned. Canada also has its own history of abusing its indigenous people, including at Catholic boarding schools as well as forced resettlement in the Canadian High Arctic. Their accent is neither British nor American. And why is one part of this UK Commonwealth country Francophonic? (Also, wouldn't commonwealth denote less inequality?) They do whatever the US tells them to (Huawei, anyone?).
Claims to use the metric system but measures driving distances in time units.
But seriously. How about, relies on exploitative immigrant temp labour for most industry and agriculture jobs.
It's fun as hell, but yeah, take it about as seriously as lawn darts if you wanna do it right.
80% of Canada is situated entirely around the Lake Ontario shoreline and Vancouver. Want to move outside of the Greater Toronto Area, Montreal island, or Vancouver? Hope you like no real job prospects that aren't heavy industry and construction jobs! Sure, it's cheap as shit to live in like, Sudbury, or Regina, or wherever the fuck, but good luck having an actual job.
- Fake bilingual country: only NB is actually bilingual, everywhere else only cares if its on a food label or a government building
- Fake equality: go visit a nearby Res and tell me the first nationa haven't been fucked over for centuries
- Fake polite: no one cares about people they don't know, they just say sorry and use their manners because its a reflex; shit goes out the window in seconds if theres a power imbalance or if biases are challenged
- Fake accent: no area has a consistent accent, let alone a national one, but every Canadian who gets out adopts a weird blend that just sort of sounds like Toronto's without any local slang
Doesn’t half of their population basically live on their southern border with the US
- Gave citizenship to Santa Claus
- Has a jail for bears
- Dumps maple syrup on a stick with snow and calls it food
How can anyone believe this bad joke of a country exists?
Okay bud, number 3 is fucking great. It's a maple flavoured snowcone without any of the syrups and chemicals; its the best.
By 4, do you mean first past the post voting? Or are there other factors as well?
That just means that it is a true state. Have you ever see a capitalist state that wasn't full of shit?