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  • invalidusernamelol [he/him]
    4 years ago

    TW3 had a more immersive world, mainly because the npcs weren't pretending to be anything more than set dressing. Buggy and dumb npcs are also way less noticeable when you're in 3rd person and don't have to get stuck in traffic with lol. I'll admit the gunplay is alright, but the leveling system feels last minute. Like the icons hint at much cooler level up perks that were scraped for basic stat buffs and the cyberware is just kinda limited.

    I guess the biggest issue I have with the game is that it constantly hints at being something it's not (BD mechanic, the net sites, interactable icons on things you can't interact with, npcs with names in certain areas, locked doors everywhere, a train system with stations that aren't accessible, shops that don't sell anything you can use, the whole jacking into other people thing that seems to only show up in some story beats, etc.).

    I guess I can handle a game being this dumbed down as long as it tells me "don't interact with the world too much" with its design, but Cyberpunk is just constantly screaming "hey! Look at this thing!" Then you go over and it's like "would be pretty cool if we did that huh?". So yeah, it's just a disappointment really. If they had just stuck to advertising it as a linear story adventure like Witcher was it wouldn't be half bad. They just tried to do too much all at once and didn't finish anything they started.