I never understood how these old cartoons got these characters so off model. Like why is Mega Man green? How hard would it have been for Nintendo to send them something like this as a "Hey, just so you know what our character looks like"?
Japanese companies were really weird when dealing with localizations. Like they didn't give a damn about how their stuff was handled by other countries.
I never understood how these old cartoons got these characters so off model. Like why is Mega Man green? How hard would it have been for Nintendo to send them something like this as a "Hey, just so you know what our character looks like"?
Japanese companies were really weird when dealing with localizations. Like they didn't give a damn about how their stuff was handled by other countries.
Vertical integration and all that was still just a coke fueled pipe dream at the time is why.
he full palette swaps whenever he uses a new power though
This might also have been back before Mega Man had a consistent design.
The art I gave is Japanese concept art the first Mega Man
We're just lucky that they didn't base the design off of the first Mega Man game's box art.