• neebay [any,undecided]
      4 years ago

      thought that's what this was, I just got into hoi4

      my communist Mexico is having a rough time right now

        • neebay [any,undecided]
          4 years ago

          I did get almost all of South America in the Bolivarian Alliance. The problems arose when I declared war on fascist El Salvador to annex them, then the US Monroe Doctrined my ass (they let it slide when I did the same thing to an unaligned Guatemala, but intervened for a smaller fascist country :soviet-hmm: ). I was making quick gains at first thanks to a surprising tech advantage (6-1 casualty ratio), and because so many of their dudes were in Europe that their border had only half as many divisions as it did before.

          But the scale of their industry totally outclasses mine, and now that the war has been going about a year I'm running out of tanks and apcs and support equipment. I had to scale down my armor divisions by a third, and had to take radios away from my low-priority Brigadas Agraristas. I also can't touch their navy and they regularly blow up my convoys which cuts off the massive amount of steel I'm importing from the Soviets to replace all the equipment I'm losing.

          Now they're bringing divisions back from Europe, and also managed to park a fat stack in the Yucatan that I've contained but can't seem to unstick. Louisiana is a deathtrap and I wish I had never order a single soldier to set foot in that hell swamp. It's turning into a stalemate anywhere I'm not microing a bunch to make some progress.

          btw, how do you find out who used a nuke? because Istanbul just got nuked and I have no idea who did it lol

        • neebay [any,undecided]
          4 years ago

          they were the first I tried, but as a newer player (I've played EU4 but not HOI) I was sort of intimidated by the size and that they're pretty much guaranteed to get pulled into wars, whereas Mexico is less overwhelming to control and I could more easily stay out of major conflicts until I felt ready, plus Mexico's focus tree is more interesting

          I was actually planning to do the Mexican Trotsky route, and even though I got an event confirming that he was in Mexico, I didn't get the option to invite him to my government for some reason. I didn't take any of the Comintern focuses that are exclusive to the Trot focuses, but maybe it was because I rehabilitated Calles? which wrong but I just couldn't pass up that sweet factory construction bonus

          oh well, I'm still happy with Vincente Lombardo