
Honestly, at the same time I believe all this might be true of Oat milk, I always wonder about ideological and ulterior motives someone with Jake Trans-esque platform has to do this, as if he's a big milk or big meat man or something...

For context, he has videos like "plant-made and lab-grown meat is a scam"

  • invalidusernamelol [he/him]M
    10 months ago

    Please edit the title with context that this is a dunk/reactionary video since this isn't the dunk tank

    • spectre [he/him]
      10 months ago

      Don't mean to do your job for you, but I've always felt strongly about "chud slop needs to stay in the_dunk_tank at all times"

      • invalidusernamelol [he/him]M
        10 months ago

        I try to give warning if I don't think the person is doing it maliciously, I've been pretty hands off with this community so far and I think the discussion in the comments is good so I don't want to remove it or lock it yet

        But I'm absolutely open to comment on that

        Edit: Removed it because they refused to add a tag. Plus the video is totally bullshit and fails to mention the massive subsidies that are paid out to dairy farmers to keep their prices low.

        It also focused specifically on Oatly as if all oat milk is one brand.