Hammer and sickle produces light This furby believes health care is a right

Landlords see the gui Hold it tight to bring em out

They need you to read Das Kapital To them before bed

If this furby gets hungry feed them bread

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  • Lil_Revolitionary [she/her,they/them]
    4 years ago

    Neoliberals lying awake in bed: "Those poor kids in sweatshops... what if im not buying enough to financially support them? 😔😔😔"

    • Rem [she/her]
      4 years ago

      Actually believing in neolib horseshit must be so mentally taxing lol

      • Lil_Revolitionary [she/her,they/them]
        4 years ago

        Imagine believing that global poverty happens because you didnt buy that t-shirt that was made in Cambodia. If that wasnt the reason, then what could it be?

      • TossedAccount [he/him]
        4 years ago

        When you believe that capitalists are invincible and history is over you constantly frame decisions according to lifeboat ethics and zero-sum politics (except of course the actually correct zero-sum game between workers and capitalists). You have no choice but to ignore the giant pile of untouched, unusuable resources because to entertain seizing it for the public good is theft.

        Instead you have no choice but to make "trade-offs" to maximize collective utility (while ignoring or being unaware of the utility monster problem): under this framework, if you care about the global poor you're supposed to allow western capitalists to exploit them and force market-based solutions into their lives because they get more income that way and are a step closer to developing themselves out of poverty.

        Altruistic neoliberals - the true-believer PMC and NGO neolibs who understand that capitalism as it exists now has problems that they want to solve - are the ultimate cucks when it comes to global economic policy, they're trapped in this tiny fucking cage policywise that only allows them to entertain policies which guarantee misery for the many and absurd wealth accumulation for very few. They can't conceive of a better world being possible without a bunch of rich assholes making money in the process (even if it's a little bit less money than they're making now), which is why they factor in profitability when trying to make policy arguments to governments. For these people, neoliberalism is learned helplessness, the understanding that Marxist and even social-democratic policies are forever off the table.

        Breaking out of this ideological cage is the most freeing experience possible in late-stage capitalist hellworld. Marxists can and must plant seeds in these people's minds.