God, I hope we get a true Paper Mario 3 one day...one day...

(Super Paper Mario was also very good, just not as good imo.)

  • viva_la_juche [they/them, any]
    4 years ago

    not that guy but I don't share the opinion that its horrible but I can totally understand people having it. The paper mario community has basically splintered into people who were just so ready for anything half ass decent that they jumped all over it with praise and doomers. (edit, not saying that op was being a doomer that's just been most of the 'discourse' since TOK dropped)

    Imo, it's a lot better than anything theyve done since SPM. But the battle system is silly and honestly gets hella tedious about half way through. It's not even that bad at first but a few hours in and your like.. "uggggh I dont want to fight these people."

    The fact that nintendo wont let them create new characters also majorly holds the series back. Theyve definitely beat up against that wall as much as they possible can to find little loopholes to work around it but it's still a major limitation.

    as far as good stuff, all in all the story was actually pretty cute and good, I enjoyed it. the graphics look really good, definitely the best looking paper mario. the music is pretty good if a bit off for the paper mario series. and I think the boss fights were actually good. theyre a puzzle and kind of flip the whole battle system on its head.

    Not at all the game I wanted but it was enjoyable. I hope the next one is closer to TYD tho.