I love all things cyberpunk (except buggy incomplete games). Any good music have good cyberpunk vibes? Or even better some good cyberpunk spotify playlists.
These are some old recs I saved from an image board I frequented back in the day:
Another obvious choice is synthwave/outrun. That shits cheesy as fuck though.
Machinae supremacy are super cheesy metal but a good chunk of their tracks make you feel like it's 1995 and you're cringily talking about the Anarchist cookbook and cyberspace as a distributed republic on USENET while pretending to read 2600
This playlist is my go-to on those lonely dystopian nights. Bonus visuals
Depends on what has a cyberpunk vibe? For me its electronic dance/trance from the early 2000s - Jan Van Dahl - Castles in the sky. Wamdue project- King of my castle, Rui da Silva - Touch me, Tiesto - etc. also some dubstep - i.e. Marina Faib
Loads of Death Grips songs, Hacker being the most immediate pick