• cilantrofellow [any]
    3 years ago

    This is melodramatic journalism bordering a white replacement narrative. There are two data points with correlations data, and no indication that the floor would ultimately be zero. Pthalates are a known issue but what isn’t discussed are acute and reversible issues of sperm count - restrictive clothing, heat (laptops), frequency of ejaculation which may all contribute or confound these sparse findings (limited to 1st world countries).

    Consider too they say birthrates are down in European countries, as if every man is desperately trying just as much for children as in the 1970s. No link to sperm count is substantiated, and financial instability, climate fears, and lower child mortality/freely accessible contraceptives are not mentioned.

    The pthalates are certainly something to keep an eye out and continue pushing for restrictions on, but this is mostly fearmongering schlock.

    • RalphGrenader [comrade/them]
      4 years ago

      Diet also plays a roll in fat white men's low sperm count. Turns out if you're fit and eat healthy you produce more sperm!