I came across this thread which had some interesting interpretations and posits that ML grew as a function of anarchism's failure to recruit/organize:

My sincere answer for why tankies reemerged five years ago is that movements are social hierarchies and newbie teens don't want to compete for status in existing illegible/inaccessible spaces like anarchism, so they resurrected a dead/empty scene that had trappings of status.

See also leftypol & the dirtbaggers. Folks get converted on one issue and then recoil about being expected to also learn / change their opinion on a variety of other topics. Respecting pronouns?! Never! You olds are a joke! We're making a new movement with hookers & blackjack!

Most of the anarchist movement had sneered at and avoided the internet (seen as an insecure tool of civilized alienation). Also it was illegible, most of the shit we expect you to learn/accept we don't even write down. And getting involved? We're terrible at helping folks join.

But ALSO the anarchist movement got up its own ass. We derided the internet and avoided utilizing it effectively. We embraced illegibility as resistance, forgetting that accessibility is critical to undermining hierarchies. And we corrupted into playing internal status games.

So what do we ascribe the sudden uptick in radicalization?

  • Pezevenk [he/him]
    4 years ago

    It reads to me like weird infighting about some weird fanfiction 50 nerds care way too much about. I have no clue what any of this shit is lol, like "tankies were always 3 white dudes at the back of an IWW gathering"??? "When I first started hearing whispers of anyone under 50 actually defending Lenin it was newly minted trans girls in abusive cult collective houses" ???? "A creepy professor schooled in standard creepy tankie entryism gathered some students, got them to take over fb pages, etc" ????? "Now did some of these people get hooked up with checks from the PRC or something? Maybe. We've seen eg DPRK funding neonazi reading groups. But I think this is minor and is not responsible for the 2015/2016 tankie explosion. Bernie did that."??????????????????? "Now did some of these people get hooked up with checks from the PRC or something? Maybe. We've seen eg DPRK funding neonazi reading groups." ?????????????????????????????????????????

    Can people just start talking about real life, substantive shit for a change?