I tried reading manufacting consent and holy fuck I couldn't even go a few pages without having to look something up to even get close to understanding it. That said, I do get the overarching principle of it so I guess something sunk in. Currently, I'm flying through Understanding The World or something, a collection of speech from Chomsky. It's totally understandable, and even enjoyable to read. Another one that I havent got yet, but seem to like the look of is Capitalist Realism, it's only 90 pages.
Any suggestions?
Someone recommended to me Cafiero's summary of Capital . Cafiero sent Marx two copies and Marx responded to Cafiero and said that it was a great summary of his ideas.
Engels also wrote a summary of Capital , the tone is drier but Engels is a clear writer.
There's a chance that was me actually. I had a different username on Reddit