I tried reading manufacting consent and holy fuck I couldn't even go a few pages without having to look something up to even get close to understanding it. That said, I do get the overarching principle of it so I guess something sunk in. Currently, I'm flying through Understanding The World or something, a collection of speech from Chomsky. It's totally understandable, and even enjoyable to read. Another one that I havent got yet, but seem to like the look of is Capitalist Realism, it's only 90 pages.

Any suggestions?

  • lib_0000429384 [any]
    4 years ago

    Graeber is very accessible

    I've had great luck shilling Bullshit Jobs even in conversations with chuds who are talking shit about people with degrees.

    "Yeah, and did you know the people with those degrees agree their jobs are bullshit, and this book proves it?"

    Try to sneak up on them with this stuff.

    • Nakoichi [they/them]
      4 years ago

      Yep that's my favorite book to recommend to libs. It's the closest thing to "crypto-communism" I have seen. It's like Labor Theory masked in office drone cynicism.

      • lib_0000429384 [any]
        4 years ago

        Yeah libs for sure, too.

        I can send them articles all day that spell out how shitty and counterproductive their PMC jobs are, but that's only going to alienate them and piss them off.

        Easier and more effective to show them reasons for 1) why they're not alone, and 2) that it's not their fault.

        • Nakoichi [they/them]
          4 years ago

          That's what's so great about that book, it's not condescending it's just like "yeah this sucks for all of us"