In light of the fact that some people have reported that people are being class reductionist on this site, I would like to say that class reductionism is reactionary and has nothing to do with Marxism or Anarchism.

The class vs identity debate is incredibly silly, and I hate that it keeps coming up amongst people. The fact is that there is no class vs idpol conflict. Heres why:

  • Communism is incompatible with any coercive or oppressive system, for it is defined as the absence of those things.

  • If we want to achieve communism and defeat oppressive systems we need working-class solidarity

  • The working class includes BIPOC, Women, Disabled people and LGBT people

  • Working class solidarity means having solidarity with all of these people and uniting our struggles together.

  • All of the major successful revolutionary movements understood this.

What happened to the class reductionists? Did they achieve anything? Did they get any advancements for the working class they claimed to represent? They did not, because in being reactionaries they cut off important allies, limited the scope of their struggles, and would sooner side with the bourgeoisie than with other oppressed groups.

So to conclude, intersectionality and trans liberation are good and necessary, and anyone who still believes in class reductionist ideas can fuck off. You are a nothing more than a crypto Strasserite and will wreck the movement if not dealt with properly.

  • RedArmor [he/him]
    4 years ago

    I will add that this includes the troops. I’m a veteran myself, and my experience in the military has shown me that is really is just working class people of all nations being bribed, coerced, duped into joining and fighting in an imperialist military. Of course, this depends on your job (SF, seals, rangers, etc fuck off) but most really are working people thinking that they will be better off and serve a higher purpose (which we do in a sense, but it is the wrong one) that we all search for. All of us as communists share that brotherhood, the military is a different one,albeit wrong, but that is what drove me towards being a dirty commie. And why so many vets kill themselves after they get out (besides guilt of any sort).