bonus points if you get banned for sharing it

i'll start: most "vote blue no matter who" liberals are actually good people (not including terminally online liberals as anyone who is terminally online is a bad person)

  • Dolores [love/loves]
    1 year ago

    I am genuinely confused as to why defending it seems to be the most popular stance here

    a) not harassing the few religious users

    b) imagining a targeted minority on the end of every criticism, instead of the prosecutors. like it's technically correct that 'christian' is a characteristic shared between MLK and a baptist minister calling for lgbt genocide from the pullpit, but it's a bit dishonest to act like socialists are talking about the former types when yelling about christians.

    c) sometimes people say incorrect things in criticism of christianity, and we've a heady collection of pedants that dunk on that. i don't think it really counts as 'defense', but anyway