I did one of these threads several months ago, when the site was new, and thought now was a good time to do another.

Message me if you

  • Want to try installing Linux for the first time
  • Want to try Linux but don't want to install it
  • Have some Linux-related problem you want another pair of eyeballs on
  • Want to learn a programming language
  • Want to build a computer
  • Want tutoring in any of the above
  • Need help with any old technical problem

(also play Arma with me)

  • Bloodshot [he/him,any]
    4 years ago


    By 'applied' do you mean that you messaged me or posted a comment? I double checked my message history and the original post, and I couldn't find your name. It's possible it never made it through to the site.

    I'd be more than happy to teach you whatever I can. I can message you and schedule some sessions if you'd like.

    • princeofsin [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Bloodshot, thank you for responding back. I think it was via google docs or maybe im not remembering it right but i did post on the thread too where you did a follow up about the original post. If its ok and you have time I can do it based on when its convenient for you. I'm just laying low. Please let me know and thank you again for even offering to help me.

      • Bloodshot [he/him,any]
        4 years ago


        I never used Google docs, or made a follow up post. I think there was a Chapo Community IT thread that never materialised. I wasn't involved with that.

        I'll message you about details w.r.t tutoring.

        I'd probably scrub that extra detail from this comment, I wouldn't want it getting seen or getting associated with your real person

        • princeofsin [he/him]
          4 years ago

          I'm sorry about my mistake and will correct it. Thank you for willing to help me and the community

          Chapo Community IT thread that never materialised. I wasn’t involved with that.

          I'm sorry for confusing you with someone else