I did one of these threads several months ago, when the site was new, and thought now was a good time to do another.

Message me if you

  • Want to try installing Linux for the first time
  • Want to try Linux but don't want to install it
  • Have some Linux-related problem you want another pair of eyeballs on
  • Want to learn a programming language
  • Want to build a computer
  • Want tutoring in any of the above
  • Need help with any old technical problem

(also play Arma with me)

  • AliceBToklas [she/her]
    4 years ago

    I dual booted my most recent build and its been updating fine, the main issue is that by default the installer does clobber your boot partition or something so IIRC you have to install windows on a partition first and then install linux and then rewrite the windows bootloader with GRUB and your linux install. but it's not that bad to get both working together on the same ssd.