Who is this dumb fckn pigeon

Sample comment

It is fascism though, plain and simple, and there's literally nothing at all wrong with that.


  • buckykat [none/use name]
    1 year ago

    Toward the end of his career, this is fairly accurate, but the guy was writing for most of the 20th century. For Us, the Living portrays a substantially socialist utopian society. The short story "Coventry" is basically a parable of why libertarianism can never work. Revolt in 2100 is a specifically antifascist revolt, even more so than The Moon is a Harsh Mistress.

    I Will Fear No Evil is possibly the most egg shit ever written.

    On the other hand, The Roads Must Roll glorifies scabs and demonizes striking workers and the Lazarus Long books are about how great eugenics is.

    He was a land of contrasts.