in case anyone hasn't seen it, it's really enjoyable, idk i fucking love it, especially that screenshot, i busted up laughing so hard the first time i saw it. Anyways, most if not all his shit is on's+Guide+to+Ideology.mp4

the quality is pretty decent, it's not 1080p but all things considered it's solid. But if you want to watch the Pervert's Guide to Ideology you gotta scroll all the way down, on that playlist menu thing, it's the last video. But there is a lot there, don't need a login or anything to watch them and so on and so forth. Enjoy

  • JoesFrackinJack [he/him]
    4 years ago

    It's perfect for scatter brain idiots like me, I love it, plus I'm p stoned rn that helps

    • mayor_pete_buttigieg [she/her]
      4 years ago

      Imo Zizek is always better when stoned. That state of mind provides the necessary suspension of disbelief to take him seriously.