Saw it yesterday and its been bothering me because I feel like I thought I liked it but am starting to almost sour a little bit on it.

I mean, it's a very beautiful, well animated film with a great score, but there's a few things that just sit wrong with me.

  • Pretty sure that the character voiced by a white woman spends more time in the black man's body than the actual black man. Wtf is it with Tina Fey and blackface?

  • On top of that it seemed that part of the whole narrative was that this white woman voiced character (22) lived the black man's life better than he did.

  • The whole structure of it felt... weird. It felt like the movie just kinda strolled along for about 80%, and then all of a sudden the climax just shows up, the characters learn their lessons ("enjoy life", I think? It seemed a bit vague tbh) and the movie just... ends. Maybe some are fine with the ending, but I felt it didn't sufficiently answer any questions and left a few too many dangling plot threads to feel satisfying.

Idk maybe I'm just dumb or reading too much into a kids movie but it felt like there was the potential for a better movie there.

  • mao [he/him]
    3 years ago

    deleted by creator

    • goldsound [he/him]
      4 years ago

      It was more of a glib remark at how weirdly often Tina Fey has written literal blackface to be performed in shows (most notably 30 Rock) and that this scenario (white woman voicing a black man) gave to me at least a passing similarity. I didn't intend to invalidate the harmful history of blackface culture or anything like that.