woke-segregationists are among us
Removed by modtwitter leftists must be seeping in somewhere, we need to write up a modern 'combat liberalism'
twitter leftists must be seeping in somewhere, we need to write up a modern 'combat liberalism'
I’m Native American but good try lol, I’m sure pulling the “you’re white” card will work on the next one
But regardless, if you’re conflating black liberation, which is a leftist ideology about black people separating themselves from the white supremacist state, with black nationalism, which is filled with the exact same reactionary tendencies as other forms of ethno-nationalism (Black Israelites, NOI, for example), then either your podcast hasn’t taught you as much as you think it has, or you’re being willfully dishonest
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Can you completely separate them historically? No probably not, but can you purge them of their reactionary elements (which definitely includes the idea of forcibly segregating people based on race) so you’re left with a truly liberatory ideology, rather than a non-materialist one which attributes racism to individual behavior rather than class relations? Yes, you can and you should
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None of what you’re saying is wrong, and I should’ve been more nuanced about my use of the term black nationalism, since you’re right that it’s not inherently reactionary
But this conversation is specifically about segregation, which in my view is inherently reactionary regardless of the greater ideological project it happens to be a part of
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