My uncle lived in deep Appalachia, and had a bear eating his sweet corn one year. So he grabbed his shotgun and shot at the gravel near it to scare it off, but he fucked up and one of the pellets bounced and hit the valve to his propane tank.
So he had to call the gas company out, and then they called DNR or something because apparently bears were protected at the time. Ended up getting a huge ticket for it.
My uncle lived in deep Appalachia, and had a bear eating his sweet corn one year. So he grabbed his shotgun and shot at the gravel near it to scare it off, but he fucked up and one of the pellets bounced and hit the valve to his propane tank.
So he had to call the gas company out, and then they called DNR or something because apparently bears were protected at the time. Ended up getting a huge ticket for it.