I've been involved in occultist/metaphysical/pagan/new age spirituality the majority of my life and enjoy talking about it. So lay it on my comrades!

  • CatherineTheSoSo [any]
    4 years ago

    This sounds very interesting, but as far as I understood from the Wikipedia synopsis the book is just about memory techniques without connection to occult? Is the whole memory palaces - unconscious connection your idea or is there somewhere I can read about it and the vr thing?

    • JoeByeThen [he/him, they/them]
      4 years ago

      The majority of it is about memory palaces in a broad overview but he does touch on the connection to memory palaces and mythology back when mythos/religion was strictly a form oral storytelling. I can't find it now, but he did do about 20 minutes of an interview where he expanded more upon it. I usually recommend Moonwalking as it's an easy read intro to Memory Palaces and how they work. As for Occult and the unconscious, and VR , that's more me and my personal research over the years. But things like Correspondence tables, Chakras, Zodiac, Tree of Life and what not all fit the mold for what a brain would consider a Memory Palace from a functional pov.