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  • Prinz1989 [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Karl Marx saw coops much like unions as an interesting tool within class struggle and proably transition. A socialist economy would have no privat enterprises (coop or otherwise), no markets and no money. I never understood why the modern left has such a hard one for coops. Capitalism is shit not because all the capitalists are evil, but because the profit motive has it's own logic, it would be the same logic in a coop. A rational economy is a planned one, that doesn't mean that it must resemble the hyper centralized top-down soviet model of planning.

    • space_comrade [he/him]
      4 years ago

      I never understood why the modern left has such a hard one for coops.

      I have a hard on for coops in the context of a transitional phase, I think that's what most actual marxists have in mind. Having all private enterprise be coops would probably soften the damage market logic does at least somewhat.

      There's probably a lot of socdems that think coops are the be all end all of socialism though.