"Noooo! Someone forgot to lock the wine cave! Defederate! Defederate! Defederate!"


    • UlyssesT [he/him]
      1 year ago

      I might be overspeculating by calling them a wine snob but it seemed very unprovoked and sudden to have a "ACTUALLY YOU ARE NOT SCIENTIFIC BECAUSE THE POORS DRINK CHEAP BOOZE ALSO YOU'RE FROM HEXBEAR DEFEDERATE DEFEDERATE DEFEDERATE" maybe-later-honey

  • Comp4 [comrade/them]
    1 year ago

    I like wine but I know very little about it. I usually go for red because I like the color.

    • UlyssesT [he/him]
      1 year ago

      Liking wine is fine the way drinking beer is fine. Not good for you, but we got our vices.

      Beer snobs are kind of a new thing, but wine snobs have been around a long time. It's not enough to go "hehe red wine go sip sip" you have to pretend you can taste the wood of the cask it came from and know what the good years were.


      • Comp4 [comrade/them]
        1 year ago

        Yeah I actually prefer beer but I have people around me that drink wine. So I sometimes join them. Im under no illusion that its unhealthy but so are my burgers and fries. I try to consume these things in moderation and thats it.

        Mind you I have become aware of the status of my health this year. After being basically in top condition for my entire life...so I have started making some changes and plan to do even some more. Im still "relatively" young so starting to take care of myself somewhat early hopefully will be worth it in the longrun.

        • UlyssesT [he/him]
          1 year ago

          Mind you I have become aware of the status of my health this year. After being basically in top condition for my entire life...so I have started making some changes and plan to do even some more. Im still "relatively" young so starting to take care of myself somewhat early hopefully will be worth it in the longrun.

          Good idea.

          I'm in my 40s and lifestyle changes I made in my 30s are really paying off. I was a wreck in my 20s.

      • forcequit [she/her]
        1 year ago


        can I drink it nooooow?