• maverick [they/them]
      4 years ago

      Bro I fucking hate it when liberals talk about tolerance. They're really showing their hand when they say they're tolerant. Because tolerating someone/something is very different from accepting them. So when they say they tolerate someone being gay/trans/black/homeless/etc etc etc they are implicitly saying that it bothers them in some way but they try not to think about it too much.

      Disclaimer I'm fuckin drunk so I may be spouting bullshitt

      • sappho [she/her]
        4 years ago

        This is what my dad used to say about the gays getting married. "I tolerate them, but they aren't happy with that, they want acceptance! They want us to think they're just the same as everyone else!"

  • JackalopeEnthusiast [she/her]
    4 years ago

    I work in a homeless shelter. Upon intake, we used to ask guests to choose between male, female, trans male, trans female, or gender non-conforming.

    Recently they changed the intake paperwork. Now it's male, female, trans male/ftm/afab, trans female/mtf/amab, or gender non-conforming/nonbinary/agender.

    I'm currently working to convince my agency that asking trans people to identify by their birth sex might not be the most trauma-informed.

      • JackalopeEnthusiast [she/her]
        4 years ago

        Probably record-keeping for the funders. We take a lot of demographic information that isn't really important for shelter business (like race, how long someone has been homeless, disability status etc.), but that the people with the money want to see before continuing to give us lots of money.

        We're at least pretty good about allowing guests to access the services of their choice. Trans women are women when it comes to getting into one of our women's shelters, everything is done by self-identification, and we have pretty strict rules against transphobic behaviors.

  • fed [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    This would only make sense if it had something to do with healthcare

  • Rui [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Just to make sure I got it: the issue here is the implication that trans men/women are not men/women, right?

  • eduardog3000 [he/him]
    4 years ago

    These must be the same people that say "bisexual is transphobic".