Happy New Year everyone! You've all seen 2020 through, and I am so proud of you. This next year won't be cake, but we'll get through it together!

Instead of resolutions for this year, the suggested topic is advice you would tell your younger self/someone early in transition.

To kick things off, these are some resources I wish that I knew about back in highschool:

Also! I'm TEL's newest mod! I'm soooo excited to be here. A little about me! I'm transfemme and have been on HRT for roughly two years, full time for about as long. I'm six months out from an orchi. I really fell down the leftist rabbit hole over the past year, currently call myself a "Liberatian Socialist" but the label game just feels like Hogwarts houses honestly. Read all the theory! Very excited about The Purge and can't wait to do more purging.

  • BrookeBaybee [she/her,love/loves]
    4 years ago

    Lockdown may suck, but for the first time in a very long time I have felt comfortable with myself for an extended period of time. Whether that's the result of hormones, not having to deal with people misgendering me all day, the tabs of acid I've dropped, or (most likely) a healthy combination of all three, I can't deny that I'm the best version of myself that I've ever been and that feels great

  • vertexarray [any]
    4 years ago

    I love my transfem body. If I don't shave my chest I look like Baphomet, it rules.

  • sebastian [he/him]
    4 years ago

    this is the pettiest shit ever but y'all know what drives on my nerves? jokes about "the girl reading this." like yeah it's harmless but passive misgendering just doesn't feel good.

    bitching bout it here cause y'all would understand best lol

    • breadandcircuses [she/her]
      4 years ago

      yea no i feel that. on the same note, it always catches me off guard when characters in Legend of Zelda refer to Link ("you," often named whatever name you give them) as "my boy" or whatever. in botw the gerudo quests were simultaneously euphoria and dysphoria inducing

      • sebastian [he/him]
        4 years ago

        same experience here. hot tip: i actively work to remove myself from the player character if i play a woman. it works for me anyway, since i kinda prefer a character being their own person, instead of reliant on the personality i give them through in game choices

        mixed results dysphoria-wise, but better than straight up not having a good time

    • breadandcircuses [she/her]
      4 years ago

      YES. FEEL THE POWER COURSE THROUGH YOU!!! :crazy-frog-trans:

      i want to put forward that i don't necessarily mean surgery or medical interventions. my body piercings, tattoos, hair dye, etc. have all been integral parts of my physical transition in a weird way. getting my nips pierced was just as affirming as getting tits, oddly.

        • breadandcircuses [she/her]
          4 years ago

          cw: this will probs squick a lot of folx out

          literally the most painful experience of my life (and i've had my dick pierced.) a lot of people only have one nip pierced because they chicken out after the first one. BUT i fucking LOVE them and do not regret it one bit.

          i had to take all of my piercings out for my orchi, and within 12 hours my nips had almost entirely closed. so i, uh, forced the piercings back in. dumb. they got miiiiildly infected, and then after a few months it turned into "definitely infected." took them out, disinfected the piercings with sterile saline, went to bed... and now the piercings are entirely closed. so uh, don't take the out. ever. let a piercer do it. cuz now i have to pay to get them pierced again and hope i don't see stars like last time ahah

            • breadandcircuses [she/her]
              4 years ago

              navels are so hard to get to heal right. they're so fragile!!! godspeed to you <3 that's actually the next piercing i'm thinking about too!