Apologies for the V**shposting, but I think this warrants an exception because it's also Hakimposting.

Please support Hakim as he destroys him with facts and the immortal science.

  • wtypstanaccount04 [he/him]
    4 years ago

    No shaming intended! I am autistic myself and I think that Vaush could really use to talk to someone like Hakim more, not in front of an audience, so that he can develop his leftism. It was obvious to me that he cares a lot. IMO the problem with Vaush isn't all the shitty stuff he says, it's his refusal to learn more and his large audience. He's a developing leftist who thinks he already has it all figured out and never apologizes when he screws up. If he would just stop shouting dumb stuff and actually bother to learn, he would be a much better person and a better leftist.