Apologies for the V**shposting, but I think this warrants an exception because it's also Hakimposting.

Please support Hakim as he destroys him with facts and the immortal science.

    • grisbajskulor [he/him]
      3 years ago

      Ohh I like this video, it's pointing out my own dumb inconsistencies. I think the voting dem VS not voting dem discussion is okay whatever, but holy shit it takes true Vaush brainworms to so confidently weaponize Lenin into supporting Biden. The only way you can use Lenin to talk about today's election is to not vote dem, end of story. You can in good faith disagree with applying Lenin at all here (I wouldn't) but anything else just means you fundamentally don't understand his work.

  • grisbajskulor [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Yo wait this is dope as fuck. I wish every interaction between leftists was live and in person, they're actually being kinda nice and understanding of each other. It's easy for me to forget Vaush is fundamentally kinda into working class politics. It's just unfortunate he's such a dumbass that refuses to learn. Vaush is like me when I first got interested in leftism, except he for some reason has an audience that listens to him which I'm SO glad I didn't have. A leftist that doesn't understand leftism.


    EDIT: Nvm, I'm annoyed. Vaush didn't really go mask off. Hakim said obvious ML stuff, and since it's so difficult to argue with in good faith, Vaush is like "yeah I agree" but really he doesn't agree at all lmao. Hakim is like "social democracy is a bad goal to have" and Vaush is like "yeah totally it's a sinkhole" BUT EVERYTHING YOU SAY NORMALLY IS SOCIAL DEMOCRATIC?? Damn I gotta log off.

    • P00h_Beard [comrade/them]
      3 years ago

      While I understand the doomerism of "best we can have is European SocDem system" I don't think Vaush realizes how bad things are going to be in the US in the near future economically.

      • grisbajskulor [he/him]
        3 years ago

        It'll be interesting to see. I imagine it'll be similar to the economic fall of Sweden 1950-1980 which gave rise to a fairly large communist movement, which eventually disintegrated and led to lots of genuinely good socdem policies, and now it's neoliberal as fuck. I imagine this will be the fate of the US.

      • grisbajskulor [he/him]
        3 years ago

        I watched some more of the stream after Hakim left and I'm even more confused. He said "If socialist countries implemented market socialism and banded together against the US, they would make the US dependent on them which would prevent military intervention." Literally today's China. Someone in the chat said "Isn't China doing this?" and he said "well China isn't socialist so no."


        Actually it is very interesting that he came to that conclusion.

          • grisbajskulor [he/him]
            3 years ago

            Honestly I'm not comfortable speaking on China. It's a very complicated situation all around and my pea brain can't handle it. But I think there are valid reasons for Dengist market policies, the mass expansion of trade & participation in global capitalism is definitely a part of what has led China to be where they are today. I think to wish that China was China but with worker co-ops is kind of a useless take, they did what they did as a country to thrive in global capitalism. China as the mass industrial power today is not something that would arise from anarchist type worker co-ops, though it's interesting to speculate. My guess is much heavier US intervention and eventual coup. Who knows.

            Vaush is totally correct in this bit of analysis though. Actually I was pretty happy to see this interaction between them. If I met Vaush at work or something and he started talking about American politics and union power I'd definitely be like "hell yeah dawg let's hang out" but because we're online it feels like the left has way more power than it does so we instantly become sectarian and start to shit on other leftists. Not to say that he's completely wrong on so many fronts, but I just wish we could all set all that shit aside until we had any power. Same goes equally for Jimmy Dore and all the fervently anti-Jimmy Dore people.

  • Gay_Wrath [fae/faer]
    3 years ago

    I don't think i can stomach watching V**sh talk, but Hakim take my energy :red-fist:

    • anthm17 [he/him]
      3 years ago

      It's not a question of it, it's a question of long before something like that is tactically deployed.

  • a_maoist_quetzal [he/him]
    3 years ago

    "I don't like aesthetic purity in leftist circles, which is why I shit on the USSR, China, and the Black Panthers"

      • wtypstanaccount04 [he/him]
        3 years ago

        Hakim never asked those questions, which was smart. V*ush basically agreed with him until those points. He has a stubbornness to him (autism probably, I believe he's on the spectrum, he also has ADHD) that prevents him from seeing the bigger picture. He has liberal brainworms that need killing.

        • Infamousblt [any]
          3 years ago

          Maybe let's not shame folks with mental illnesses though because none of those particular mental illnesses preclude one from critical thinking or being a leftist.

          We're better than that. Don't shame people

          • wtypstanaccount04 [he/him]
            3 years ago

            No shaming intended! I am autistic myself and I think that Vaush could really use to talk to someone like Hakim more, not in front of an audience, so that he can develop his leftism. It was obvious to me that he cares a lot. IMO the problem with Vaush isn't all the shitty stuff he says, it's his refusal to learn more and his large audience. He's a developing leftist who thinks he already has it all figured out and never apologizes when he screws up. If he would just stop shouting dumb stuff and actually bother to learn, he would be a much better person and a better leftist.

        • wtypstanaccount04 [he/him]
          3 years ago

          The ideal endpoint to this would be Hakim making a video on how Vaush is actually a third-worldist.

        • goldsound [he/him]
          3 years ago

          Tbh, my ADHD has gotten me so stuck up my own ass on daydreaming that sometimes all I can see is the big picture (crippling so), so I wouldn't say thats a barrier to him adopting better views per se.

      • a_maoist_quetzal [he/him]
        3 years ago

        his actual quote was more along the lines of "I don't like aesthetic purity in leftist circles, like all these tankies who larp the USSR/PRC/BP"

        dude's an op and cannot stop punching left

  • RowPin [they/them]
    3 years ago

    Sounds good, but unfortunately I won't be able to make it to watch Vaush: I have an appointment for getting my balls nailed to a stepstool.

      • CoralMarks [he/him]
        3 years ago

        Have been listening for like 10 minutes now, actually not that bad, let’s see if that stays that way.

        • grisbajskulor [he/him]
          3 years ago

          It's like a student that didn't do his homework being lectured by a very understanding and loving teacher. I love it. This is honestly helping kill the little liberal in me.

  • GrouchyGrouse [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Vaush is the logical conclusion of what happens when you are willing talk about anything but you're unwilling to motherfucking read a book. Sometimes, you don't need to say things. Sometimes, people have already said them. Better than you. Without some attendant point that carries cultural baggage or some bizarre opinion. Something less self-referential than your own goddamned head and its contents. It doesn't take a lot to dunk on the right wing because the right wing is full of shit. Their ideas are contemptible, they are nakedly bad, and its liberals who make a big to-do about tenderly analyzing their opinions. Vaush thinks he's hot shit because he's doing the same thing Ben Shapiro does when Ben Shapino goes to some college and plays gotcha games with freshmen. It is good and proper that he be raked over the coals.

  • RedArmor [he/him]
    3 years ago

    I’ve never watched Vausch but I can tell just in the intro of that video he is a fucking clown and revisionist opportunist

  • 420clownpeen [they/them,any]
    3 years ago

    "Haha Tacoma is weepin-"
    You have been bopped with a big funny clown hammer. You are going to the posting gulag for your crimes.

    "Lol he said the n-word in a stream and-"
    You have been bopped with a big funny clown hammer. You are going to the posting gulag for your crimes.

    "lmao remember when he defended pedophilia by saying it wasn't any more exploitative than making laptops-"
    You have been bopped with a big funny clown hammer. You are going to the posting gulag for your crimes.

    Making a post demanding others stop Vaushposting, and then realizing that you yourself have now Vaushposted
    You have been bopped with a big funny clown hammer. You are going to the posting gulag for your crimes.