My girlfriend made me watch it.

The good: Parts felt like Threat Level Midnight, just the dumbest ideas for scenes. The opening scene lowered my expectations so hard that the rest of the movie seemed great by comparison. It was fun to see a big budget movie do the wishes come true cartoon episode plot. They had two villains so Gal Gadot had to do less scenes. There's a part so astoundingly racist it felt like a Cumtown Bit.

The bad: Gal Gadot is a horrible person but somehow an even worse actress. The opening scene looks like a fucking Sonic opening level and has no purpose. Wonder Woman's boyfriend possesses someone, its the only wish with a condition like it. The ending is like an hour long and horribly boring. There'a a part so astoundingly racist it felt like a Cumtown bit.

Overall I wouldn't ever rewatch it or recommend it but there are worse super hero movies.

  • Sen_Jen [they/them]
    4 years ago

    I thought we were talking about the terf island bit with the woman wishing all the irish left or some shit

    lmao please tell me this actually happens in the movie

    • RedDawn [he/him]
      4 years ago

      It does, and the Irishman wishes back that the lady would drop dead which she does, you see the cops immediately accosting somebody outside when the lady wishes that all the Irish would be kicked out