我弥留之际 “On My Deathbed”

我想再看一眼大海,目睹我半生的泪水有多汪洋 I want to take another look at the ocean, behold the vastness of tears from half a lifetime

我想再爬一爬高高的山头,试着把丢失的灵魂喊回来 I want to climb another mountain, try to call back the soul that I’ve lost

我还想摸一摸天空,碰一碰那抹轻轻的蓝 I want to touch the sky, feel that blueness so light

可是这些我都办不到了,我就要离开这个世界了 But I can’t do any of this, so I’m leaving this world

所有听说过我的人们啊 Everyone who’s heard of me

不必为我的离开感到惊讶 Shouldn’t be surprised at my leaving

更不必叹息,或者悲伤 Even less should you sigh or grieve

我来时很好,去时,也很好 I was fine when I came, and fine when I left.

-- Xu Lizhi
