Permanently Deleted

  • skeletorsass [she/her]
    3 years ago


    I do not want to leave yet because I still have hope and love my comrades. There are some thread which I do not click because I know I will not like the comment there. If I do click I will not be able to stop myself from feeling that it is my duty to educate. This is not healthy and when I do it it makes me feel burnt out. If comrades stop trying to make their post an argument and do not seek talking point or post simply to fight or cause trouble things will be better. Then such comment will be a simple friendly comment if a user has the wrong perspective to try to explain, and I will not be strained by it.

    I want to make this place friendly and beautiful <3

    我爱我的同志们 :heart-sickle:

    • Good_Username [they/them,e/em/eir]
      3 years ago

      I unfortunately can't read chinese characters. (I really should learn, I hate being a shitty american sometimes. Oh, I know french, that's cool right?! Eye roll)

      Anyway, what I'm actually getting at is that you're beautiful, and I hope you keep posting! I'd love to read your thoughts on things!!

      • ViveLaCommune [any]
        3 years ago

        Tu es camarade dans tous les langages. Continues de poster aussi, il le faut. Merci d’être présent.