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  • hotcouchguy [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Mods: increase the bans. Start banning people who complain about the bans. Start IP bans. Do like SA and require a few bucks for new accounts to discourage sockpuppets. Anything you can think of, fucking go ham.

    I'm tired of the drama, tired of seeing good people leave because of the drama. Normally on reddit I just point and chuckle at the drama but this is different. Reddit is basically a sewer full of assholes and I think it's funny when they turn on each other; I like to bait and instigate some of it myself when possible. This site is the opposite, it's a good place with good comrades, we can't tolerate the bullshit and wrecking anymore.

    I know we're all dirtbags and contrarians and normally we all take pride in being a pain in the ass and a lot of us have learned to enjoy conflict, but we need to get the actual assholes under control, and if that means aggressively enforcing our standards then so be it. Fucking purge time. Keep on banning and don't stop until we've achieved full posters communism. Once the conflict is won decisively and moderation is reduced to a strictly administrative task, then the moderation can wither away. Until then it's fucking cultural revolution time.