I can't believe I gave these people money.

  • anthm17 [he/him]
    4 years ago

    It doesn't. There people are lying wreckers.

    Look above, someone is lying about considering being given to how to pay for the bill. The taxes are laid out in the bill.

    It's just a straight up lie.

    These people aren't leftists. Not in any way whatsoever.

    • spectre [he/him]
      4 years ago

      I think you have a misunderstanding about the organization of the DSA. I agree with you entirely with regards to the National org. The regional chapters have a lot of independence from what the National org is doing, and are often more radical in major cities. They have their own issues that we can get into, but the criticisms of them are different than the criticisms I would have of the National DSA (though there is some overlap).

      The fact that the DSA is not a unified demcent political party means both that dumb shit like "How do we pay for it?" liberalism happens, but also means that local chapters are free to do whatever they want. Still more of a weakness than a strength, but calling every DSA member "a bad person" is a bit much and leads to unproductive conversation imo

      • anthm17 [he/him]
        4 years ago

        Take the good people and do something else. Let this liberal anti-communist bullshit die.

        • spectre [he/him]
          4 years ago

          Right, you gotta specify what that "something else" is though because I agree that remforming the DSA into something useful is a bit of a stretch. It is still the largest leftist ["leftist"] org currently in the US though, so it's worth a shot imo cause if it is successful, then you really have a stew going.

          Top reasons to [very critically] support the DSA:

          • It's lib-friendly, I can't tell my Bernie-fan friends to join my local Maoist reading group cause that's a bit much, but they might go to a few DSA meetings and get plugged into something mildly useful instead of sitting on their asses and vote ing
          • There is overlap and adjacency between DSA and other orgs (PSL, SAlt, Antifa orgs, Food not Bombs), so as time goes on your average DSA lib is gonna hear about these groups and potentially make the jump to one of them
          • No need to support a good DSA branch as much more than "a vaguely socialist meeting group for networking opportunities" until some sort of reform is done imo. My expectations are low, but above "actually you should leave now or you're a piece of shit"
          • anthm17 [he/him]
            4 years ago

            Supporting the DSA in any way is actively harmful to leftist causes. They have decided they don't support M4A and they would rather echo neoliberal and right wing talking points.

            If the national org sucks then the org sucks.