I'm starting to see why America hasn't won a war in like 100 years.

It's pretty embarrassing when you starve your people just to have the world's most expensive army... only to constantly lose. Lmao.

  • mathemachristian [he/him]
    1 year ago

    If my autocorrect doesn't do it for me I don't care about capitalization or apostrophe's. Also I won't correct it when its wrong. Commas are used if I feel like it.

    • GreenTeaRedFlag [any]
      1 year ago

      I generally do care about apostrophes and commas because they are useful to show the delineation of my thoughts. They do serve an actual purpose. Capital letters, although useful for starting sentences or capitalizing "I" for the first person pronoun, don't represent an actual linguistic concept, just a formality in English to make some words seem more important. Other than that it's only worth anything to distinguish polish and Polish, and even then context does the job better.