
Best part, middle section:

Nicaragua, with the dignity and heroism of our Struggles, Races, Peoples, Cultures, of Living Well demands this closure and we also join the demand of all the Peoples and countries that have spoken from this place to denounce the aggressive, > interventionist, arbitrary, unjust policies, whose coercive, unilateral measures are not only illegal and illegitimate, but constitute a destabilizing, destructive warlike modality, imposing changes of governments, through coups d’état, attempts to bring > about coups and acts of vandalism known these days as “color revolutions”, causing grief to so many families among so many Peoples.

We stand in permanent solidarity with the Peoples and countries that experience this uncivilized barbarism, which indeed repeat the waves and echoes of the imperialist, colonialist, fascist models, which have caused the death of millions of human beings, > imposing regimes of terror and deprivation, with shameful tides and unprecedented tsunamis of migration. These tragedies trace the desperation of injustice, and the neo-colonial pretense to silence, dominate and exclude, so as to continue plundering the > wealth of the world’s Peoples.

Entire countries have been destroyed, in this brutal scorched earth policy, which seeks to satisfy the beastly appetites of the Earth’s imperialists… Entire countries have been occupied, and their peoples sacrificed and massacred, via the same atrocious > policies and actions, violating all Rights, which reinforce what we know and denounce again here, as hate crimes.

Our permanent and combative Solidarity with the Palestinian People; the Syrian People; the Saharawi People; the Eritrean People; the People in all those place they have wanted to create fascist and neo-Nazi enclaves. Our permanent and combative > Solidarity to all the Peoples in struggle in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. We are Peoples and Countries that resist and fight the blockades, the economic warfare, the systematic and permanent intervention in the Social, Cultural, Economic and > Political Life of all our institutions… As we see, more and more violations of all Rights!

Our combative Solidarity with the People of Cuba… of Martí, of Fidel, of Raúl, of Miguel Díaz-Canel, over 62 years of murderous blockade… Our combative Solidarity with the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela where Chávez lives on, the struggle goes on, and where Nicolás has defeated all destructive attempts…

Our combative Solidarity with the Peoples and Governments of our Central American region that do not weaken in the struggle for Security, for Peace, so as to confront and conquer, the hell of Poverty. With Honduras, and its brave President Xiomara Castro; Honduras, our fraternal neighbor, where Morazán and Sandino prevail, our family, fraternal embrace always in Solidarity.

Our combative Solidarity with Bolivia, the great People of Túpac Katari, who are moving onward amidst the same threats as always… With the People of Argentina and their sovereign Right over the Malvinas Islands… With Puerto Rico, brave and unstoppable in their just struggle for Independence…

Our strength is with the People’s Republic of China, the power that today shows the World and the human family how Solidarity, respectful Cooperation, generous brother and sisterhood is practiced and lived, between older brothers and sisters, younger brothers and sisters, but all as one big family with a “common destiny”, such that we fight to overcome the actions of dispossession and economic stagnation and poverty, imposed on so many people.

Our active and combative Solidarity with the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, in its historical battles for Sovereignty and Rights…

To the People of Belarus, always dignified and in solidarity, our respect and recognition…

Our solidarity and combative force with the heroic struggles waged by the Russian Federation, for Peace and Security, for a World that we must all defend from the growing threats of Empires, and their neo-Nazi policies, their fascist emblems and contents, which intend to return us to the unwonted perversion of expansionist and wars of domination, which have left millions of dead and families destroyed all over the world. Our support for the Russian Federation is an unwavering support and an inescapable human alliance, for Security, Dialogue and Harmony, essential, irreplaceable, for the human community.

Our Solidarity and accompaniment with the Islamic Republic of Iran, another example of sharing and coexisting with Peoples ravaged by imperial greed. Despite the incessant, excessive and infernal arrogance of those who think they are superior, we reaffirm it: They do not separate us and together we travel along paths of Courage and Dignity.