While some of you may have seen this before, a shocking number of users appear to not understand that we have this wonderful device.

It can allow a user to look at the things mods and admins have to remove; and if you were ever to wonder why you keep seeing users, mods, and admins leave due to transphobia, you could pursue through it to see what they're talking about.

  • science_pope [any]
    4 years ago

    I’m usually biased against site mods on a lot of platforms, but in this case I can only conclude that it’s us, the knee-jerk reactive and cynical userbase, that fucked up by not having a minimal amount of faith in the word of multiple trans comrades, and by being completely unwilling to see if the moderation changes actually help before throwing fits.

    Seconded. This site has been brigaded by transphobes since day-fucking-one. I can only imagine the mods' frustration and exhaustion after months of dealing with this bigoted nonsense. What fun is a shitposting forum if our beloved trans comrades are driven away? I don't know what the best way to deal with it is -- maybe make the site invite only for a while -- but clearly the mods have an endless stream of hateful bullshit to wade through and should be forgiven for the occasional misstep or whatever. I'm glad they're trying to actually deal with the problem.

    :chavez-salute: :fidel-salute: :maduro-salute: :sankara-salute: